Lust and Masturbation: The Struggle

First, I want to thank you all who have commented. You continue to encourage and challenge me, making me want to continue to write, confess, and seek God’s truth on these issues. Thank you.

Someone recently asked if I was actually struggling with masturbation, actually resisting, or if I’ve just accepted it. Here’s my answer:

First, I will say that I’ve definitely struggled with the mental/moral debate of whether it is sinful or not. I’d say that a great number of those who’ve found my blog have done so seeking the answer to the same question. As I read my past posts I can see the evidence of my struggle with this. More and more I am coming to understand that masturbation is something I should struggle against. The journey behind this belief has been a long one. To be honest I’ve waffled for years due to not wanting to really know how God truly sees this. Not wanting to really know that crucifying these specific desires of my flesh is actually what is best for me and most glorifying to Him. At times I’ve declared that I believe that, but when it’s really difficult, all the same questions/excuses resurface. But God has indeed used this blog, this space that was created for me to wrestle and seek the truth, to better understand the why behind the belief that I shouldn’t masturbate. And for that I am thankful, even though it strips me of my excuses.

At this point I absolutely must acknowledge Torik89 and her blog “Women Masturbate.” She has delved into the why and has done so without judgement, simply sharing her story and what God and experience have taught her. As I’ve tried to navigate through the thick forest of this topic, her words have at times been a machete to clear away the brambles, and at times been a gentle sunbeam to guide me through the trees. Thank you, my friend and sister-in-Christ, for your amazing heart and wisdom for leading me and others toward the light.

Second, the battle against my actual fleshly urges…oh man. Where to start?

The Mental/Spiritual: I’ve read that the mind is the most powerful sexual organ. This is true. There’s the whole debate about being able to masturbate without lusting (which of course brings up the whole “what constitutes lusting” debate, which I won’t go into now). Let me put it this way. I’ve tried to masturbate without thinking any sexual thoughts. It didn’t really get me anywhere. Because my mind is my primary sex organ. Which means that most of the time my mental state is what determines my masturbatory habits. If I’ve given my mind sexual material to recall, whether by viewing, reading, or imagining it, most likely I’ll find myself indulging the habit instead of fighting it. And if I’m not filling my mind with eternal, Philippians 4:8-type things, then my mind’s habit is to seek the sexual. My spiritual walk with God is crucial to being in the right frame of mind to repel sexual thoughts, and therefore resist masturbating.

The Physical: It is rare that I’m ever not in the mood for sex. So, you can imagine that I, being a woman with a cycle of hormones, go through regular bouts of EXTREME horniness during that time that I’m supposed to be making babies. So, sometimes the actual physical need is super strong even when my mind is in a good place.

So basically – If I’m not spending time with God/walking in the Spirit then my mind will go to sexual thoughts, and then my body will respond and most likely I’ll give in to masturbating. This is most of the time. Sometimes it’s the opposite. My body will crave sex so strongly that my mind will go to sexual thoughts and I’ll masturbate, even if I have been spending time with God, and then I’ll often distance myself from God because of that.

Everything is connected.

So the simple answer to the question “Do I actually struggle?” is yes but sometimes no. Sometimes I’ve fought to the extent of getting out of bed, even though I was really sleepy, and making myself do something. Other times I’ve gone weeks just giving in. Currently, I read this blog every night because it helps me remember to resist. Another problem is that my mind and body go there when I’m sleepy. I’m sure some of you know what I mean by this. It’s hard to fight when you’re half-asleep.

I’m praying about talking to someone I know personally about this. I have told people in the past but it’s been a while since I’ve done so. I know that it needs to be the right person, and I’m not sure who that is.

All-in-all, I’m trying to remember that the main why is not for me to be a better person, but to glorify God. My body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, and my life has been given to Christ. I owe Him all of me, and I want to be obedient to Him, and I want to love Him above all.

27 thoughts on “Lust and Masturbation: The Struggle

  1. Great response! Thank you so much!

    I really hope you don’t take this as weird, but reading this, your struggle, is very much like looking into a mirror. She’s experienced in my struggles! I thought.

    But I am not happy that I’ve drawn a connection. I am more at a point of decision: Now what? It’s always good to have one whom can sincerely show empathy, though.

    I never struggled with the moral aspect of it, knowing it was a wrong to be rid of. But I completely sympathize with your point of the mind; everything you said has described my past circumstances. If I’m going to engage in it, it must begin in the mind; as a thought, which then sparks my libido for sexually romantic intimacy, and lust (horniness) will move me to the bed or the bathroom. But I have noticed that these thoughts are very resistible if I’m trying to stay busy with some work. There are other things I do, but I won’t bog you down here.

    As for the physical, the majority of the time it must begin in the mind, as I said. But there are times (ESPECIALLY upon waking up in the morning; don’t know if you’ve dealt with the same) that I’ll be horny, and this will stir up my thoughts. This is very difficult to resist, but I have. And yes, with every failing comes a time of absence felt; God feels so close, with a loving hand ready to raise me to Him, but my feelings get in the way. You know what I mean?

    Rosalind, I’m glad we’ve met. My name is Arthur. What do you say we pray for each other. Let’s become prayer partners. I know, we don’t know each other, and we never will: but God knows our struggles, and He knows His children; He hears tandem prayers. Pray for me, as I will pray for you. Sure, we’ll probably stumble and fall (I confess, I masturbated this morning) If you don’t want to, that’s fine; but please remember me once in a while, while praying.

    Look forward to your next post. 🙂

      • You’re very welcome. If we’re here for anything, it’s to hold each other up when we need help. We’re still growing, and we are brethren in order to help each other through Christ.

        Rosalind, I’d like to know your opinion on pornography. I don’t know if you’ve ever had to deal with it, but I am beginning to see a large number of women confess their struggle with erotic novels & hardcore porn.

  2. Thanks for sharing! I know exactly how you feel…well kinda.

    I’m Woman-gry instead of mangry (love the term btw!)

    I have faith it will come one day. Seems like you are in a better head space than I am.

    God bless you!

    • Praying for you today, Arthur! I pray you have your mind set on things above and that God will protect you from the enemy. I pray against loneliness but that He will fill you will a passionate sense of purpose for what He has for you today. And I pray that today you have eyes to see God’s specific and personal love for you. In Jesus name!

  3. Oh my goodness! How has it taken me this long to see this?!! For some reason my reader hasn’t been picking up that you have been posting frequently (I thought you had given up writing for the time being, and was rather sad). Now, I see I have lots to catch up on and am excited to see all you have written. Thanks for the shout out! The only reason I realized you were writing posts was because I noticed I was getting a good deal of traffic from your page.

    I love this post and your honesty. And it is obvious to me that people have truly been blessed by your words! You have definitely been an encouragement in times of doubt and spurred me on to continue writing even when it is difficult!

  4. You can do it, you’re not alone, God taught me to say no where it starts, the thoughts. May God work in your life stronger each day.
    I’ll pray for you right now. God bless.

  5. I feel you. Im still struggling in masturbating but i feel like God hates me when i do it. But you inspire me to fight and it makes me want to stay stronger n believe in God that i would get through this. thanks

    • Don’t fret. it can be tough, but when you mess up (and any other time you sin) God Never has and will Never hate you {see: Romans 8:38-39}. God desires SO much to have a relationship with you, He knows you’re struggling, and He knows how difficult it can be. But He will also never allow you to face anything that you can’t handle {see: 1 Corinthians 10:13}. God is always willing to forgive you {see: Psalm 86:15}.
      Keep fighting! Have a great day 🙂

  6. Ace,
    Thank you for your openness. I want to add a penny to this conversation. My experience tells me that it’s a lot easier to have a pure heart as a single, than as a married person. I think that a pure heart is a necessity and it does not come easily. I know that your message is more for singles than for married people but it would help you in your future to know that the biggest battle will be in the future. The reason for this is that there is an “intimacy rhyme” within marriage. When you have this “intimacy rhyme”, then both partners have to make sure that they do not rob each other of what belongs to their spouse. If a Christian wife tells her husband “no”, then there is a higher probability, that her husband will masturbate. The same is true for a wife, if for example, her husband decides to make a one month missionary trip to Mexico. This is due to the fact that the “intimacy rhyme” is broken. I wonder, if anyone wrote an article on this. I read a similar article to yours previously but never about married people.
    Kind Regards,

  7. I have struggled with masturbation for 16yrs! I have gone through the motions of trying to justify masturbation as being God’s way of helping singles keep away from fornication. Then, on the issue of lust – I also tried to masturbate thinking non-sexual thoughts, like you I found out it took longer to get there and it wasn’t as enjoyable as when I had dwelled on sexual thoughts. I also masturbate(d) to relieve menstrual cramps. It affected my closeness to God and sometimes I felt I was experiencing some difficulties because of it.
    Then, I eventually started having sex for about two years. I suffered a major heartbreak (which I really needed cos I was far gone from God). Now, for two years plus, I have not had intercourse but I found out the desire to masturbate has become almost uncontrollable. I have even been in church and had errant sexual thoughts. This year I decided it was high time I really stood for God – but the horniness seemed to have tripled. I struggle every day especially at my ovulation peak. I try to recite bible verses to ward off the temptation… I don’t want to fall again… It’s such a relief pouring all this out and knowing I’m not alone.

    • I’ll be praying for you, Sis! I’m glad you’ve moved toward God again and hope you will continue to fight for your relationship with Him. Just know that because of Jesus you are CLEAN in His eyes and He is always waiting for you with open arms of grace. No matter how many times you mess up this is still true. I know this battle can seem hopeless but I promise there is still hope. Just be willing to listen to the Lord and He will show you how to fight it and what needs to change. It may take time, like it did me, but you can be free of it, I promise!

  8. Hi
    Masturbation is a sin. Lust.
    I have struggled lately. I believe the key is to crucify the flesh. Also remember that the sex will not deliver the way we imagine…

  9. WOW! This is amazing! I have the same problem, same goal, same slip ups. I see that I don’t need masturbation and that it isn’t God’s intention for the gift of sex; I WANT to be free of the act, and some nights when a sexual thought pops into my head I can just go “nope” and be rid of it, but other times if I’m already sexually aroused, I don’t really ‘want’ to try to relinquish the urges—this eventually leads to me giving in. Afterword when the act is done, I apologize for my mistakes, ask for help, receive further enlightenment, and then the cycle starts all over again.
    I would very much enjoy some Christian friends, and especially ones that have similar struggles. If you’re interested, feel free to email me at:
    Have a great day 🙂

  10. Thanks Ace for your blog!
    God used you to awaken me up from what I’m doing. I’ts so comforting knowing someone experienced what I’m into. I thanked God for your blog for knowing that I should live in purity. Thank you for sharing your struggle to live a life that is pleasing to God.

    I pray that God continually shows you His plans!
    GODbless you!

  11. Hey I just stumbled across your blog because I’ve just started struggling with this same thing and I’ve felt so alone in it all, I thought I might be the only girl to struggle with this. At first I didn’t think much of it and then I just started feeling extremely guilty and wondered if this is right or wrong and what God even says about all this. Your blog has really educated me and opened my eyes. Your words and advice in this blog are so encouraging. I so much appreciate your honesty and I’ll be praying for you!

  12. Beautiful, and very relatable. Before my. I got so extremely horny. I watch all kinds of porn and masturbate 10 times today . I turn into an animal. Some months are definitely worse than others. This is the worst month I’ve had in a very long time. Which is what brought me to your blog . I think it is that I now live on my own and I’m dealing with loneliness, depression from loneliness, in addition to the regular feeling of being very horny before my period. Are used to use craigslist casual encounters and half men go down on me. But I have remained abstinent for many years. Now that they shut down craigslist hook ups, i’ve been faced with a bit of a crisis. I’m having to really deal with my horniness. Although it’s hard I know this is a gift from God because I can’t keep doing what I was doing, having random man do those things to me..

    • If I were you I would examine yourself in the faith. It sounds like you’re a slave to sin which is a sign of being unconverted. “Don’t you realize that you become the slave of whatever you choose to obey? You can be a slave to sin, which leads to death, or you can choose to obey God, which leads to righteous living” (Romans 6:16).
      Someone who is born again (John 3:3) has been set free from the power of sin (Romans 6:22), furthermore one way to tell you’re born again is that your life is marked by victory over sin (Romans 6:2). Christians still fall but they don’t make a habit of it (1 John 3:8, John 14:21).
      I encourage you to read Romans 6-8. Lots of useful stuff in there about slavery to sin. The book of 1 John is dedicated to testing yourself in the faith to see if you’re a new creature.

      I used to struggle with masturbation a lot. Any time I would be tempted 99.99% of the time I would give in. It always felt wrong afterward but no matter how much I hated myself for it I always gave in the next time temptation came around. I would tell God what I did and I would mentally punish myself with guilt but never did I have victory. It was so powerful that I dreaded being tempted because I knew I would give in.

      After being converted (born again) I’m still tempted but I can literally just decide not to and I don’t!

      You can’t hate yourself enough to stop and you will be a slave to sin unless Jesus makes you a new creature. You can’t earn salvation and for the longest time, like eight years, I thought I could. I would never say it because I knew better but the way I lived my life was proof that I believed I could make myself righteous. You CAN’T make yourself righteous and you can’t be good enough to earn forgiveness. It is only Jesus that can make you right with God. So repent and believe that Jesus is enough and he will make your path straight and set you free from the sin that controls you.

      Some other things: ‘by their fruit you will know them’ in Matt 7:15-20 it shows that you can know who is Christian ‘by their fruit’ that is, the fruit of the Spirit (Gala 5:19-21) and the works of the flesh.
      Paul Washer has many videos on YouTube and he’s very truthful about the Word. He’s worth checking out and I would recommend it

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